In Silico
Recently, the new term in
silico has become a common
reference to biological studies
carried out in the computer, joining the traditional terms
in vivo and in vitro to
describe the location of experimental studies.
For nonbiologists, in vitro means "in
glass," that is, in the test tube; in vivo
means "in life," that is, in a living
organism. The term in silico stems from the fact
that most computer chips are made primarily of silicon. Personally, I
prefer a term such as in algorithmo, since
there are plenty of ways to compute that don't involve silicon,
such as the intriguing processes of DNA computing, quantum computing,
optical computing, and more.
The large amount of biological data available online has brought
biological research to a situation somewhat similar to physics and
astronomy. Those sciences have found that experiments in modern
equipment produce huge amounts of data, and the computer isn't
only invaluable but necessary for exploring the data. Indeed,
it's become possible to simulate experiments
entirely in the computer. For instance, an early use of computer
simulation in physics was in modeling the acoustics of a concert hall
and then experimenting with the results by changing the design of the
hall—clearly a much cheaper way to experiment than by building
dozens of concert halls!
A similar trend has been occurring in biology since computers were
first invented, but this trend has sharply accelerated in recent
years with the Human Genome Project and the sequencing of the DNA of
many organisms. The experimental data that has to be collected,
searched, and analyzed is often far too large for the unaided
biologist, who is now forced to rely on computers to manage the
Beyond the storage and retrieval of biological data, it's now
possible to study living systems through
computer simulation. There are
standard and accepted studies done routinely on computers that access
the genes of humans and of several other organisms. When the sequence
of some DNA is determined, it can be stored in the computer, and
programs can be written to identify restriction sites, perform
restriction digests and create restriction maps (see Chapter 9). Similarly,
gene-finding programs can take
sequenced DNA and identify putative exons and introns. (Not
perfectly, as of this writing, and results differ for different
organisms.) Models of cellular processes exist in which it is
possible to study for example, the effect of a change in the
regulation of a gene.
Today, microarray technology (incorporating
glass slides spotted with thousands of samples that can be probed,
usually with the aid of robotics) can assess the levels of expression
of thousands of genes with one laboratory run. Computers are helping
to unravel the complex interactions between genes. We hope to find,
for example, all sets of genes related by virtue of their protein
products as part of a biochemical pathway in the cell. Microarrays
generate a large volume of data. This data needs to be stored,
compared with other experimental data, and analyzed on the computer.
On my first day as a programmer at Bell Labs Research, my boss told
me that his simulations could now be computed so
fast—overnight—that it was creating a problem for him.
There wasn't enough time to think about the last simulation!
Nevertheless, and despite all the attendant headaches and pitfalls of
computers, their use to simulate experiments is proving to be
beneficial in biology.