How to Run Perl Programs
The details of how to run
vary depending on your operating system. The instructions that come
with your Perl installation contain all you need to know. I'll
give short summaries here, just enough to get you started.
Unix or Linux
Unix or Linux, you usually run Perl
programs from the command line. If you're in the same directory
as the program, you can run a Perl program in a file called
this_program by typing perl
this_program. If you're not in the same
directory, you may have to give the
pathname of the program, for
perl /usr/local/bin/this_program
Usually, you set the first line of this_program to
have the correct pathname for Perl on your system, because different
machines may have installed Perl in different directories. On my
computer, I use the following as the first line of my Perl programs:
You can type which perl to find
the pathname where Perl is installed on your system.
You can make the program executable using the
chmod program: for instance,
you can type:
chmod 755 this_program
If you've set the first line correctly and used
chmod, you can just type the name of the Perl
program to run it. So, if you're in the same directory as the
program, you can type ./this_program. If the
program is in a directory that's included in your
$PATH or
$path variable, you can type
If your Perl program doesn't run, the error messages you get
from the shell in the command window may be confusing. For instance,
the bash shell on my Linux system gives the
error message:
bash: ./my_program: No such file or directory
in two cases: if there really is no program called
my_program in the current directory or if the
first line of my_program has incorrectly given
the location of Perl. Watch for that, especially when running
programs from
CPAN (see Appendix A), which may have different pathnames for Perl
embedded in their first lines. Also, if you type
my_program, you may get this error message:
bash: my_program: command not found
which means that the operating system can't find the program.
But it's there in your current directory! The problem is
probably that your $PATH or
$path variable doesn't include the current
directory, and so the system isn't even looking in the current
directory for the program. In this case, change the
$PATH or $path variable
(depending on which shell you're using), or just type
/my_program instead of
Macs, the recommended way to save
Perl programs is as "droplets"; the MacPerl documentation
gives the simple instructions. Basically, you open the Perl program
with the MacPerl application and then choose Save As and select the
Type option Droplet.
You can drag and drop a file onto a droplet in order to use the file
as input (via the @ARGV array—see the
discussion in Chapter 6).
The new MacOS X is a Unix system on which you
have the option of running Perl programs from the command line as
described earlier for Unix and Linux systems.
On Windows systems, it's usual to
associate the filename
extension .pl with Perl programs. This is done
as part of the Perl installation process, which modifies the registry
settings to include this file association. You can then launch
this_program.pl by typing
this_program in an MS-DOS command window or by
typing perl
this_program.pl. Windows has a PATH
variable specifying folders in which the system looks for programs,
and this is modified by the Perl installation process to include the
path to the folder for the Perl application, usually
c:\perl. If you're trying to run a Perl
program that isn't installed in a folder known to the PATH
variable, you can type the complete pathname to the program, for
instance perl c:\windows\desktop\my_program.pl.