12.1 Obtaining BLAST

There are a several implementations of BLAST. The most popular is probably the one offered free of charge by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/. The NCBI web site features a publicly available BLAST server, a comprehensive set of databases, and a well-organized collection of documents and tutorials, in addition to the BLAST software available for downloading.

Also popular is the WU-BLAST implementation from Washington University. The main web site, including a list of other WU-BLAST servers, can be found at http://blast.wustl.edu. Older versions of WU-BLAST are available at no charge. Newer versions are free if you qualify as a research or nonprofit organization and agree to the licensing arrangements from Washington University where the program is developed and maintained. If you work at a major research organization, you may already have a site license for the WU-BLAST program. If you are a for-profit company, there is a rather hefty charge for the newer WU-BLAST program (older versions are freely available if you want to run BLAST on your own computer). Pennsylvania State University also develops some BLAST programs, available at http://bio.cse.psu.edu/. In addition to NCBI and WU-BLAST, many other BLAST server web sites are available. A Google search (http://www.google.com) on "BLAST server" will bring up many hits.

A big question that faces researchers when they use BLAST is whether to use a public BLAST server or to run it locally. There are significant advantages to using a public server, the largest being that the databases (such as GenBank) used by the BLAST server are always up to date. To keep your own up-to-date copy of these databases requires a significant amount of hard-disk space, a computer with a fairly high-end processor and a lot of memory (to run the BLAST engine), a high-capacity network link, and a lot of time setting up and overseeing the software that updates the databases. On the other hand, perhaps you have your own library of sequences that you want to use in BLAST searches, you do frequent or large searches, or you have other reasons to run your own in-house BLAST engine. If that's the case, it makes sense to invest in the hardware and run it locally.

The online documentation for BLAST is fairly extensive and includes details on the statistical methods the program uses to calculate similarity. In the next section, I touch briefly on some of those points, but you should refer to the BLAST home page and to the excellent material at the NCBI web site for the whole story and detailed references. Our interest here is not the theory, but rather to parse the output of the program.


Index terms contained in this section

BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)
      WU-BLAST implementation
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) 2nd
Pennsylvania State University, BLAST programs
      similarity, statistical methods to calculate
      BLAST, web sites for
statistical methods to calculate sequence similarity
web sites
            Pennsylvania State University
     National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
            BLAST program
      WU-BLAST program
WU-BLAST program

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