Flow Control
Flow control is the
order in which the statements of a
program are executed. A program executes from the first statement at
the top of the program to the last statement at the bottom, in order,
unless told to do otherwise. There are two ways to tell a program to
do otherwise: conditional statements and loops. A conditional
statement executes a group of statements only if the
conditional test succeeds; otherwise, it just skips the group of
statements. A
repeats a group of statements until an associated test fails.
Conditional Statements
Let's take another look at the
open statement. Recall that if you try
to open a nonexistent file, you get error messages. You can test for
the existence of a file explicitly, before trying to open it. In
fact, such tests are among the most powerful features of computer
languages. The if , if-else, and
unless conditional statements are three such
testing mechanisms in Perl.
The main feature of these kinds of constructs is the testing for a
conditional. A conditional evaluates to a
true or
false value. If the conditional is
true, the statements following are executed; if
the conditional is false, they are skipped (or
vice versa).
However, "What is truth?" It's a question that
programming languages may answer in slightly different ways.
This section contains a few examples that demonstrate some of
Perl's conditionals. The true-false condition in each example
is equality between two numbers. Notice that
equality of numbers is represented by two equal signs
==, because the single equal sign
= is already used for assignment to a variable.
Confusion between =
for assignment and ==
for numeric equality is a frequent programming bug, so watch for it!
The following examples demonstrate whether the conditional will
evaluate to true or false. You
don't ordinarily have much use for such simple tests. Usually
you test the values that have been read into variables or the return
value of function calls—things you don't necessarily know
The if statement with a true
if( 1 == 1) {
print "1 equals 1\n\n";
produces the output:
1 equals 1
The test is 1 ==
1, or, in English, "Does 1 equal 1?"
Since it does, the conditional evaluates to true,
the statement associated with the if statement is
executed, and a message is printed out.
You can also just say:
if( 1) {
print "1 evaluates to true\n\n";
which produces the output:
1 evaluates to true
The if statement with a false
if( 1 == 0) {
print "1 equals 0\n\n";
produces no output! The test is 1
== 0 or, in English,
"Does 1 equal 0?" Since it doesn't, the conditional
evaluates to false, the statements associated with
the if statement aren't executed, and no
message is printed out.
You can also just say:
if( 0 ) {
print "0 evaluates to true\n\n";
which produces no output, since 0 evaluates to
false, so the statements associated with the
if statement are skipped entirely.
There's another way to write short if
statements that mirrors how the English language works. In English,
you can say, equivalently, "If you build it, they will
come" or "They will come if you build it." Not to
be outdone, Perl also allows you to put the if
after the action:
print "1 equals 1\n\n" if (1 == 1);
which does the same thing as the first example in this section and
prints out:
1 equals 1
Now, let's look at an
statement with a true conditional:
if( 1 == 1) {
print "1 equals 1\n\n";
} else {
print "1 does not equal 1\n\n";
which produces the output:
1 equals 1
The if-else does one thing if the test evaluates
to true and another if the test evaluates to
false. Here is if-else with a
false conditional:
if( 1 == 0) {
print "1 equals 0\n\n";
} else {
print "1 does not equal 0\n\n";
which produces the output:
1 does not equal 0
The final example is
opposite of if. It works like the English word
"unless": e.g., "Unless you study Russian
literature, you are ignorant of Chekov." If the conditional
evaluates to true, no action is taken; if it
evaluates to false, the associated statements are
executed. If "you study Russian literature" is
false, "you are ignorant of Chekov."
unless( 1 == 0) {
print "1 does not equal 0\n\n";
produces the output:
1 does not equal 0
Conditional tests and matching braces
Two more comments are in order about these statements and their
conditional tests.
First, there are several tests that can be used in the conditional
part of these statements. In addition to numeric
equality == as in the
previous example, you can also test for
inequality !=,
greater than >, less than
<, and more.
Similarly, you can test for string equality using the
eq operator: if two strings are the same,
it's true. There are also file test
operators that allow you to test if a file exists, is empty, if
permissions are set a certain way, and so on (see Appendix B). One common test is just a variable name: if
the variable contains zero, it's considered
false; any other number evaluates to
true. If the variable contains a nonempty string,
it evaluates to true; the empty string, designated
by "" or '', is
Second, notice that the statements that follow the conditional are
enclosed within a matching pair of
braces. These statements within curly braces are called a
block and arise frequently in Perl.[1]
pairs of parentheses, brackets, or braces, i.e., ( ), [ ], < >,
and { }, are common programming features. Having the same number of
left and right braces in the right places is essential for a Perl
program to run correctly.
Matching braces are easy to lose track of, so don't be
surprised if you miss some and get error messages when you try to run
the program. This is a common syntax error; you have to go back and
find the missing brace. As code gets more complex, it can be a
challenge to figure out where the matching braces are wrong and how
to fix them. Even if the braces are in the right place, it can be
hard to figure out what statements are grouped together when
you're reading code. You can avoid this problem by writing code
that doesn't try to do too much on any one line and uses
indentation to further highlight the blocks of code (see Section 5.2).[2]
Back to the conditional statements. The if-else
also has an
if-elsif-else form, as in Example 5-1. The conditionals, first the
if and then the elsifs, are
evaluated in turn, and as soon as one evaluates to
true, its block is executed, and the rest of the
conditionals are ignored. If none of the conditionals evaluates to
true, the else block is
executed if there is one—it's optional.
Example 5-1. if-elsif-else
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# if-elsif-else
$word = 'MNIDDKL';
# if-elsif-else conditionals
if($word eq 'QSTVSGE') {
print "QSTVSGE\n";
} elsif($word eq 'MRQQDMISHDEL') {
} elsif ( $word eq 'MNIDDKL' ) {
print "MNIDDKL--the magic word!\n";
} else {
print "Is \"$word\" a peptide? This program is not sure.\n";
Notice the \" in the
else block's print
statement; it lets you print a double-quote sign
(") within a double-quoted string. The
backslash character tells Perl to treat the
following " as the sign itself and not interpret
it as the marker for the end of the string. Also note the use of
eq to check for equality between strings.
Example 5-1 gives the
MNIDDKL--the magic word!
A loop
allows you to repeatedly execute a block of statements enclosed
within matching curly braces. There are several ways to loop in Perl:
while loops, for loops,
foreach loops, and more. Example 5-2 (from Chapter 4) displays the while loop
and how it's used while
reading protein
sequence data in from a file.
Example 5-2. Reading protein sequence data from a file, take 4
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Reading protein sequence data from a file, take 4
# The filename of the file containing the protein sequence data
$proteinfilename = 'NM_021964fragment.pep';
# First we have to "open" the file, and in case the
# open fails, print an error message and exit the program.
unless ( open(PROTEINFILE, $proteinfilename) ) {
print "Could not open file $proteinfilename!\n";
# Read the protein sequence data from the file in a "while" loop,
# printing each line as it is read.
while( $protein = <PROTEINFILE> ) {
print " ###### Here is the next line of the file:\n";
print $protein;
# Close the file.
Here's the output of Example 5-2:
###### Here is the next line of the file:
###### Here is the next line of the file:
###### Here is the next line of the file:
In the while loop, notice how the variable
$protein is assigned each time through the loop to
the next line of the file. In Perl, an assignment returns the value
of the assignment. Here, the test is whether the assignment succeeds
in reading another line. If there is another line to read in, the
assignment occurs, the conditional is true, the
new line is stored in the variable $protein, and
the block with the two print statements is
executed. If there are no more lines, the assignment is undefined,
the conditional is false, and the program skips
the block with the two print statements, quits the
while loop, and continues to the following parts
of the program (in this case, the
close and exit
open and unless
The open call is
a system call, because to
open a file, Perl must ask for the file
from the operating system. The operating system may be a version of Unix
or Linux, a Microsoft Windows versions, one of the Apple Macintosh
operating systems, and so on. Files are managed by the operating
system and can be accessed only by it.
It's a good habit to check for the success or failure of system
calls, especially when opening files. If a system call fails, and
you're not checking for it, your program will continue, perhaps
attempting to read or write to a file you couldn't open in the
first place. You should always check for failure and let the user of
the program know right away when a file can't be opened. Often
you may want to exit the program on failure or try to open a
different file.
In Example 5-2, the open system
call is part of the test of the unless
unless is the opposite of
if. Just as in English you can say "do the
statements in the block if the condition is true"; you can also
say the opposite, "do the statements in the block unless the
condition is true." The open system call
gives you a true value if it successfully opens the file; so here, in
the conditional test of the unless statement, if
the open call fails, the statements in the block
are performed, the program prints an error message, and then exits.
To sum up, conditionals and loops are simple ideas and not difficult
to learn in Perl. They are among the most powerful features of
programming languages. Conditionals allow you to tailor a program to
several alternatives, and in that way, make decisions based on the
type of input it gets. They are responsible for a large part of
whatever artificial intelligence there is in a computer program.
Loops harness the speed of the computer so that in a few lines of
code, you can handle large amounts of input or continually iterate
and refine a computation.