5.7 Writing to Files

Example 5-7 shows one more way to count nucleotides in a string of DNA. It uses a Perl trick that was designed with exactly this kind of job in mind. It puts a global regular expression search in the test for a while loop, and as you'll see, it's a compact way of counting characters in a string.

One of the nice things about Perl is that if you need to do something fairly regularly, the language has probably got a relatively succinct way to do it. (The downside of this is that Perl has a lot of things about it to learn.)

The results of Example 5-7, besides being printed to the screen, will also be written to a file. The code that accomplishes this writing to a file is as follows:

# Also write the results to a file called "countbase"

$outputfile = "countbase";
unless ( open(COUNTBASE, ">$outputfile") ) {

    print "Cannot open file \"$outputfile\" to write to!!\n\n";

print COUNTBASE "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t errors=$e\n";


As you see, to write to a file, you do an open call, just as when reading from a file, but with a difference: you prepend a greater-than sign > to the filename. The filehandle becomes a first argument to a print statement (but without a comma following it). This makes the print statement direct its output into the file.[6]

[6] In this case, if the file already exists, it's emptied out first. It's possible to specify several other behaviors. As mentioned earlier, the Perl documentation has all the details of the open function, which sets the options for reading from, and writing to, files as well as other actions.

Example 5-7 is the third version of the Perl program that examines each base in a string of DNA.

Example 5-7. Determining frequency of nucleotides, take 3
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Determining frequency of nucleotides, take 3

# Get the DNA sequence data
print "Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: ";

$dna_filename = <STDIN>;

chomp $dna_filename;

# Does the file exist?
unless ( -e $dna_filename) {

    print "File \"$dna_filename\" doesn\'t seem to exist!!\n";

# Can we open the file?
unless ( open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename) ) {

    print "Cannot open file \"$dna_filename\"\n\n";


close DNAFILE;

$DNA = join( '', @DNA);

# Remove whitespace
$DNA =~ s/\s//g;

# Initialize the counts.
# Notice that we can use scalar variables to hold numbers.
$a = 0; $c = 0; $g = 0; $t = 0; $e = 0;

# Use a regular expression "trick", and five while loops,
#  to find the counts of the four bases plus errors
while($DNA =~ /a/ig){$a++} 
while($DNA =~ /c/ig){$c++} 
while($DNA =~ /g/ig){$g++} 
while($DNA =~ /t/ig){$t++} 
while($DNA =~ /[^acgt]/ig){$e++} 
print "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t errors=$e\n";

# Also write the results to a file called "countbase"
$outputfile = "countbase";

unless ( open(COUNTBASE, ">$outputfile") ) {

    print "Cannot open file \"$outputfile\" to write to!!\n\n";

print COUNTBASE "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t errors=$e\n";


# exit the program

Example 5-7 looks like this when you run it:

Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: small.dna
A=40 C=27 G=24 T=17 errors=1

The output file countbase has the following contents after you run Example 5-7:

A=40 C=27 G=24 T=17 errors=1

The while loop:

while($dna =~ /a/ig){$a++} 

has as its conditional test, within the parentheses, a string-matching expression:

$dna =~ /a/ig 

This expression is looking for the regular expression /a/, that is, the letter a. Since it has the i modifier, it's a case-insensitive match, which means it matches a or A. It also has the global modifier, which means match all the a's in the string. (Without the global modifier, it just keeps returning true every time through the loop, if there is an "a" in $dna.)

Now, this string-matching expression, in the context of a while loop, causes the while loop to execute its block on every match of the regular expression. So, append the one-statement block:


to increment the counter at each match of the regular expression; in other words, you're counting all the a's.

One other point should be made about this third version of the program. You'll notice some of the statements have been changed and shortened this time around. Some variables have shorter names, some statements are lined up on one line, and the print statement at the end is more concise. These are just alternative ways of writing. As you program, you'll find yourself experimenting with different approaches: try some on for size.

The way to count bases in this third version is flexible; for instance, it allows you to count non-ACGT characters without specifying them individually. In later chapters, you'll use those while loops to good effect. However, there's an even faster way to count bases. You can use the tr transliteration function from Chapter 4; it's faster, which is helpful if you have a lot of DNA to count:

$a = ($dna =~ tr/Aa//);
$c = ($dna =~ tr/Cc//);
$g = ($dna =~ tr/Gg//);
$t = ($dna =~ tr/Tt//);

The tr function returns the count of the specified characters it finds in the string, and if the set of replacement characters is empty, it doesn't actually change the string. So it makes a good character counter. Notice that with tr, you have to spell out the upper- and lowercase letters. Also, because tr doesn't accept character classes, there's no direct way to count nonbases. You could, however, say:

$basecount = ($dna = ~ tr/ACGTacgt//);
$ nonbase = (length $dna) - $basecount)

The program however, runs faster using tr than using the while loops of Example 5-7.

You may find it a bit much to have three (really, four) versions of this base-counting program, especially since much of the code in each version is identical. The only part of the program that really changed was the part that did the counting of the bases. Wouldn't it have been convenient to have a way to just alter the part that counts the bases? In Chapter 6, you'll see how subroutines allow you to partition your programs in just such a way.


Index terms contained in this section

counting nucleotides
      global regular expression in while loop test
      tr function, using
     counting nucleotides in
            global regular expression in while loop test
            tr function, using
      writing to
      while loop, testing with global regular expression
            global regular expression in while loop test
            tr function, using
open function
patterns (and regular expressions)
      global regular expression in while loop test
      to a file
     operating on
            tr (transliteration) function
tr (transliteration) function
while loops
      testing with global regular expression
      to files

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