4.2 A Program to Store a DNA Sequence

Let's write a small program that stores some DNA in a variable and prints it to the screen. The DNA is written in the usual fashion, as a string made of the letters A, C, G, and T, and we'll call the variable $DNA. In other words, $DNA is the name of the DNA sequence data used in the program. Note that in Perl, a variable is really the name for some data you wish to use. The name gives you full access to the data. Example 4-1 shows the entire program.

Example 4-1. Putting DNA into the computer
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Storing DNA in a variable, and printing it out

# First we store the DNA in a variable called $DNA

# Next, we print the DNA onto the screen
print $DNA;

# Finally, we'll specifically tell the program to exit.

Using what you've already learned about text editors and running Perl programs in Chapter 2, enter the code (or copy it from the book's web site) and save it to a file. Remember to save the program as ASCII or text-only format, or Perl may have trouble reading the resulting file.

The second step is to run the program. The details of how to run a program depend on the type of computer you have (see Chapter 2). Let's say the program is on your computer in a file called example4-1. As you recall from Chapter 2, if you are running this program on Unix or Linux, you type the following in a shell window:

perl example4-1 

On a Mac, open the file with the MacPerl application and save it as a droplet, then just double-click on the droplet. On Windows, type the following in an MS-DOS command window:

perl example4 -1

If you've successfully run the program, you'll see the output printed on your computer screen.

4.2.1 Control Flow

Example 4-1 illustrates many of the ideas all our Perl programs will rely on. One of these ideas is control flow , or the order in which the statements in the program are executed by the computer.

Every program starts at the first line and executes the statements one after the other until it reaches the end, unless it is explicitly told to do otherwise. Example 4-1 simply proceeds from top to bottom, with no detours.

In later chapters, you'll learn how programs can control the flow of execution.

4.2.2 Comments Revisited

Now let's take a look at the parts of Example 4-1. You'll notice lots of blank lines. They're there to make the program easy for a human to read. Next, notice the comments that begin with the # sign. Remember from Chapter 3 that when Perl runs, it throws these away along with the blank lines. In fact, to Perl, the following is exactly the same program as Example 4-1:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

In Example 4-1, I've made liberal use of comments. Comments at the beginning of code can make it clear what the program is for, who wrote it, and present other information that can be helpful when someone needs to understand the code. Comments also explain what each section of the code is for and sometimes give explanations on how the code achieves its goals.

It's tempting to belabor the point about the importance of comments. Suffice it to say that in most university-level, computer-science class assignments, the program without comments typically gets a low or failing grade; also, the programmer on the job who doesn't comment code is liable to have a short and unsuccessful career.

4.2.3 Command Interpretation

Because it starts with a # sign, the first line of the program looks like a comment, but it doesn't seem like a very informative comment:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

This is a special line called command interpretation that tells the computer running Unix and Linux that this is a Perl program. It may look slightly different on different computers. On some machines, it's also unnecessary because the computer recognizes Perl from other information. A Windows machine is usually configured to assume that any program ending in .pl is a Perl program. In Unix or Linux, a Windows command window, or a MacOS X shell, you can type perl my_program, and your Perl program my_program won't need the special line. However, it's commonly used, so we'll have it at start all our programs.

Notice that the first line of code uses a flag -w. The "w" stands for warnings, and it causes Perl to print messages in case of an error. Very often the error message suggests the line number where it thinks the error began. Sometimes the line number is wrong, but the error is usually on or just before the line the message suggests. Later in the book, you'll also see the statement use warnings as an alternative to -w.

4.2.4 Statements

The next line of Example 4-1 stores the DNA in a variable:


This is a very common, very important thing to do in a computer language, so let's take a leisurely look at it. You'll see some basic features about Perl and about programming languages in general, so this is a good place to stop skimming and actually read.

This line of code is called a statement. In Perl, statements end in a semicolon (;). The use of the semicolon is similar to the use of the period in the English language.

To be more accurate, this line of code is an assignment statement. Its purpose in this program is to store some DNA into a variable called $DNA. There are several fundamental things happening here as you will see in the next sections. Variables

First, let's look at the variable $DNA. Its name is somewhat arbitrary. You can pick another name for it, and the program behaves the same way. For instance, if you replace the two lines:


print $DNA;

with these:


print $A_poem_by_Seamus_Heaney;

the program behaves in exactly the same way, printing out the DNA to the computer screen. The point is that the names of variables in a computer program are your choice. (Within certain restrictions: in Perl, a variable name must be composed from upper- or lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore _ character. Also the first character must not be a digit.)

This is another important point along the same lines as the remarks I've already made about using blank lines and comments to make your code more easily read by humans. The computer attaches no meaning to the use of the variable name $DNA instead of $A_poem_by_Seamus_Heaney, but whoever reads the program certainly will. One name makes perfect sense, clearly indicates what the variable is for in the program, and eases the chore of understanding the program. The other name makes it unclear what the program is doing or what the variable is for. Using well-chosen variable names is part of what's called self-documenting code. You'll still need comments, but perhaps not as many, if you pick your variable names well.

You've noticed that the variable name $DNA starts with dollar sign. In Perl this kind of variable is called a scalar variable, which is a variable that holds a single item of data. Scalar variables are used for such data as strings or various kinds of numbers (e.g., the string hello or numbers such as 25, 6.234, 3.5E10, -0.8373). A scalar variable holds just one item of data at a time. Strings

In Example 4-1, the scalar variable $DNA is holding some DNA, represented in the usual way by the letters A, C, G, and T. As stated earlier, in computer science a sequence of letters is called a string. In Perl you designate a string by putting it in quotes. You can use single quotes, as in Example 4-1, or double quotes. (You'll learn the difference later.) The DNA is thus represented by:


In Perl, to set a variable to a certain value, you use the = sign. The = sign is called the assignment operator . In Example 4-1, the value:


is assigned to the variable $DNA. After the assignment, you can use the name of the variable to get the value, as in the print statement in Example 4-1.

The order of the parts is important in an assignment statement. The value assigned to something appears to the right of the assignment operator. The variable that is assigned a value is always to the left of the assignment operator. In programming manuals, you sometimes come across the terms lvalue and rvalue to refer to the left and right sides of the assignment operator.

This use of the = sign has a long history in programming languages. However, it can be a source of confusion: for instance, in most mathematics, using = means that the two things on either side of the sign are equal. So it's important to note that in Perl, the = sign doesn't mean equality. It assigns a value to a variable. (Later, we'll see how to represent equality.)

So, to summarize what we've learned so far about this statement:


It's an assignment statement that sets the value of the scalar variable $DNA to a string representing some DNA. Print

The statement:

print $DNA;

prints ACGGGAGGACGGGAAAATTACTACGGCATTAGC out to the computer screen. Notice that the print statement deals with scalar variables by printing out their values—in this case, the string that the variable $DNA contains. You'll see more about printing later. Exit

Finally, the statement exit; tells the computer to exit the program. Perl doesn't require an exit statement at the end of a program; once you get to the end, the program exits automatically. But it doesn't hurt to put one in, and it clearly indicates the program is over. You'll see other programs that exit if something goes wrong before the program normally finishes, so the exit statement is definitely useful.


Index terms contained in this section

" (quotes, double)
      in strings
' (quotes, single)
      in strings
; (semicolon), ending Perl statements
= (equal sign)
      assignment operator
      = operator, use in statements
assignment operators
control flow
      in Perl programs
            program to store
            storing in variables
droplet, Macperl application
equal (=) sign
error messages
      warnings (-w) flag
exit function
lvalue and rvalue
Macperl application, saving files as droplets
      assignment 2nd 3rd
      variables 2nd 3rd
print statements
            comments and whitespace
            control flow
rvalue and lvalue
scalar variables
      assignment operator, setting value with
      printing out values
self-documenting code
            program to store
      quotes, use in
      DNA sequences, storing in
warnings (-w flag)
      in Perl programs

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