Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics


 E (expect) value of matches, BLAST program
 EcoRI restriction enzyme
elements, array
 accessing with subscripts
 adding, using push and shift functions
 randomly selecting
 specifying individual
 else statements
 elsif statements
 empty string
 end-of-record separator (//) , 2nd
 Ensembl web site, use of Bioperl modules
 Entrez (public database server)

    See : =, under Symbols
 equal (=) sign
 error messages
 directing to STDERR , 2nd
 warnings (-w) flag
 EST (expressed sequence tag division), GenBank libraries
 European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) web site
 European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
 web site
examples from this book
 protein sequence file, downloading
examples from this book
 web site for downloads
 exec function
 exists (-e) file test
 exists function
 exit function , 2nd
 expect (E) value of BLAST matches
 experimental studies, in silico
 exploding strings into arrays
 exponential notation
 expression, genes
 expressions, nested
 order of evaluation
 extract_HSP_information subroutine
 extract_sequence_from_fasta_data subroutine
 extractSEQRES subroutine

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