Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics


 rand function , 2nd
 random number generators
 randomelement subroutine (example)
 randomization , 2nd
 comparing bases in random DNA sequences
generating random DNA
 subroutines for
program simulating mutation
 random position in string, selecting
program using
 selecting array elements randomly
 random number generators
 randomnucleotide subroutine (example) , 2nd
 improving design
 range operator (..), using with logical operators
 rapid prototyping
 rational numbers
 raw score (S), BLAST matching
 bionet file for restriction sites
 DNA from FASTA files
FASTA format files
 subroutine for
 PDB files
 protein sequence data from a file, using while loop
 restriction enzyme data
 reading frames
 ORFs (open reading frames)
 translating DNA in
 translating DNA in all, main program
 REBASE (Restriction Enzyme Database)
 data file, subroutine for parsing
 recognition sites
 codes for
 IUB nucleic acid codes, translating to regular expressions
 records, GenBank files
separating annotation from sequence
 using scalars
records, PDB files
 parsePDBrecordtypes subroutine
 Red Hat Linux systems, rpm files
 redundancy in genetic code , 2nd
 reference_sub subroutine
 calling by
 complex data structures and
 to databases in PDB files
 DBREF record type, PDB files
 passing by

    See : patterns
 regular expressions
 regulatory elements in DNA, program that counts
 design phase
 relational database management systems (RDMS)
 relational databases
 DBI (Perl module)
 programming for
 carriage returns, linefeeds, and newlines
 my variables (in debugging)
 newlines and other nonsequence data
 newlines from filenames
 whitespace , 2nd
 repeating strings (x operator)

    See : graphical user interfaces
 representation of data
 reserved words
 residues in macromolecule chains
 amino acid or nucleic acid sequence of
 computer science
 molecular biology
 Restriction Enzyme Database (REBASE)
 data file, subroutine for parsing
 restriction enzymes
 data, bionet file format
 reading data from file
 storing data
 user requests for names
 web site information on
 restriction maps , 2nd  , 3rd
 recognition sites (IUB nucleic acid codes), translating to regular expressions
 reporting to user
restriction sites
 reading bionet file for
 return values, subroutine
 reverse complements
 calculating in Perl
 changing bases into
 DNA transcription to RNA
 restriction enzyme EcoRI
 subroutine for computing (revcom)
 reversing arrays
 right justification of text
 right shift (>>) operator
 RNA (ribonucleic acid)
 DNA, transcribing to
 transcribing DNA to
 rpm files, Red Hat Linux
 running Perl programs
 on Macintosh
 on Windows
 rvalue and lvalue

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