Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics


 s (single step) command
 s/// (substitution) operator , 2nd
 regular expressions, use with
 saving programs
 scalar context , 2nd
 arrays in
 scalar function
 determining size of arrays
 scalar values
 assigning to arrays
 assigning to scalar variables
 scalar variables
 $ (dollar sign), beginning with
 arrays, converting to
 assigning scalar values to
 assignment operator, setting value with
 datatypes held in
 GenBank records, reading as
 printing out values
 references, storing in
 storing numbers in
 user input, saving as
 scientific (exponential) notation
 scoping , 2nd
 variables within while loop
 scores and statistics on matches, BLAST program
 scripts (Perl)
 search_annotation subroutine
 secondary structures, proteins , 2nd
 predictor program (stride)
 seeding random number generators , 2nd
 seek function
 self-documenting code
 sentences, randomly combining parts of
 SEQADV record type, PDB files
 SEQRES record type, PDB files
 alignment methods
 program to store
 reading from file with while loop
 removing nonsequence data from
 similarity, statistical methods to calculate
 BLAST, web sites for
 public database
 shift function , 2nd
 taking element from beginning of array
 similarity as indication of homology
 simple data (Applied Biosystems (ABI) sequencer output)
 simulating DNA mutation , 2nd
 program (mutate DNA)
program, designing
 random position in string, selecting
 simulating experiments with computers
 single line (/s pattern modifier)
 single step (s) command
 size of arrays
 Smith-Waterman algorithm for sequence alignment
 software (bioinformatics), distribution sites
 software engineering
 sort function
sorted arrays
 in gene expression data
 using with binary search algorithm
 alphabetical, array of strings
 array of numbers
 hash keys and values
source code
 open source
Perl distributions
 Unix or Linux, downloading on
 source feature key
 speed, Perl programs
 splice function
 split function
 hash values, using on
 multiline strings, converting to arrays
 strings, extracting data from
 sprintf function
 SQL (Structured Query Language)
 srand function
 standard residues, modifications to
 statements , 2nd
 flow control

    See : lexical scoping
 static scoping
 statistical methods to calculate sequence similarity
 STDERR filehandle
 STDIN filehandle
 STDOUT filehandle
 printing to
 stop codons
 stop signals
 strands of DNA, calculating reverse complement
 strict pragma , 2nd  , 3rd
 variables, finding errors in
 stride program, secondary structure predictor
 parsing output
 string interpolation
 strings , 2nd
 arrays of, sorting alphabetically
 binding operators
 capturing matched patterns in
 comparing alphabetically in Perl
 in regular expressions
 copying, performance and
 exploding into arrays
 finding motifs in
 formatting (sprintf function)
 length of
 long, DMB handling of
 algorithms for
 using regular expressions on
 newlines, removing from ends
numbering positions in
 translate_frame subroutine
operating on
 tr (transliteration) function
 quotes, use in
 selecting random position in
 specific positions, examining
 split function, extracting data with
 substituting characters in (tr/// operator)
 whitespace, removing from end
 of DNA
 primary, of peptide or nucleotide sequence
 of proteins
 structured design
 style guide, Perl
 subroutines , 2nd  , 3rd  , 4th
 advantages of
 appending ACGT to DNA (example)
 call by reference
 calling other subroutines
 command-line arguments and arrays
 placement of
 extracting annotation from sequence, GenBank files
GenBank library
 get_file_data , 2nd
 getanswer (example)
 IUB ambiguity codes, translating to regular expressions
 iub3to1 (converting PDB character codes)
 match_positions (example)
 modules and libraries of
mutate (example)
 mutate_better (example)
 object-oriented programming, interfacing with
 parsing REBASE data file
 parsing REBASE files
passing data to
 by value
 random DNA set, generating
 random number generator
 randomelement (example)
randomnucleotide (example)
 improving design
 randomposition (example)
 reading FASTA files
 redundant codons, testing for
 return values
 returning sequence data from FASTA format
 reverse complement, computing
 scoping and
translating DNA codons to amino acids
 using hash lookup
 translating DNA frames, computing indices
 translating DNA to peptide
 variables in
 writing formatted sequence data
 subscripts, array elements
 integer values for
 substitution (s///) operator , 2nd  , 3rd
 substr function , 2nd  , 3rd
 supersecondary structures
 syntax errors
system calls
 checking success or failure of
 open and close
 open, using with unless statement
 system function

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