Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics



    See : guanine
 gcc compiler
 GD and Tk modules for graphics
 GenBank (Genetic Sequence Data Bank) , 2nd
 problems with
 desktop workstations, setting up
 indexing with DBM
 library subroutines, testing
separating annotations from sequences
 using scalars
gene expression data
 database for
 gene names, data structures for manipulating
 hashes, using
 microarrays, studying with
 sorted arrays and binary search, using
 unsorted arrays, using for
 gene features key
 generate random DNA program (example)
 coding DNA
 computer simulation, studying with
 cutting DNA to insert
 genetic code
 hashes, using for
 reading DNA from FASTA format files
reading frames
 redundancy in
 translating codons to amino acids
 translating DNA into proteins
 genetic information data banks
 Genetics Computer Group (GCG) DNA file format
 genomes, large-scale studies of
 get_file_data subroutine
 reading in PDB file
 get_next_record function
 global matching (/g) , 2nd
 global searches in loops
 global substitution
 global variables , 2nd
 governmental organizations, bioinformatics (web sites)
 graph algorithms, modelling biological networks with
 graphical user interfaces (GUIs) , 2nd
 displays for programs
 greater than (>)
 greedy matching
 grep function
 grouping in regular expressions
 guanine (G) , 2nd

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