Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics


 Data Bank of Japan (DBJ)
 data bank or data store, databases vs.
 data structures (complex), creating in Perl
 data structures for biology
gene expression data
 unsorted arrays, using for
 relational databases
 summary of
 data, graphical representation of
 biological data
 data banks or data stores vs.
 database management
 gene expression
PDB files
 referenced in
 SQL (Structured Query Language)
 DBI (Data Base Independence) module
 DBM (database management)
 database for GenBank
 different implementations of
 inadequacy for large projects
 indexing GenBank with
 restriction enzymes, storing in
 dbmopen and dbmclose functions
 DBREF record type, PDB files
 comments, use in
 Mutate DNA program (example)
Perl debugger, using
 use strict; and use warnings;
 decimal numbers , 2nd
my variables
 enforcing with strict pragma
 in loops
 decrementing variables
 defined and undefined values
 defined function , 2nd
 DEFINITION field, collecting in GenBank annotations
 definitions of subroutines
designing programs
 input and output
 object-oriented programming
 top-down vs. bottom up
 die function
 directives, printf function
 directories, in different operating systems
 disease treatment, protein structure and
 divisions, GenBank libraries
 counting in strings
 coding and noncoding
 coding regions
 concatenating fragments with join function
counting nucleotides in
 tr function, using
 cutting to insert a gene
mutations, investigating with randomization
 random sequences, comparing bases for identity
 reading from FASTA files
 regulatory elements in, program to count
 reverse complement of strands, calculating
 separating from GenBank file annotations
 storing in variables
 transcribing to RNA
translating into amino acids and proteins
 reading frames
 writing formatted sequence data
 DNA computers
 do-until loops , 2nd  , 3rd
 do-while loops
 regular expressions

    See : ., under Symbols
 dot (.) operator
 double helix
 code examples from this book
 droplet, Macperl application
 drugs, targeting proteins with

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